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Hospitality Management Agreement

Hospitality Management Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

A hospitality management agreement (HMA) is a contract between a hotel owner and a management company. Under this agreement, the management company takes responsibility for operating and managing the hotel property on behalf of the owner. The HMA sets out the terms and conditions of the relationship between the parties, including the management fees, performance standards, and other obligations of both parties.

In this article, we`ll explain everything you need to know about hospitality management agreements, including their benefits, common terms, and important considerations.

Benefits of Hospitality Management Agreements

There are several benefits to entering into a hospitality management agreement as a hotel owner. These include:

1. Professional Management: A management company with the right expertise and experience can help maximize the value of your hotel property by providing professional management services. Such services include marketing, operations, and financial management, among others.

2. Cost Savings: By outsourcing the management of your hotel to a professional management company, you can save on expenses such as salaries, benefits, and training costs for staff who specialize in these areas.

3. Increased Revenue: A well-managed hotel can increase occupancy rates, revenue per available room (RevPAR), and the overall profitability of the property. A management company can help achieve these goals through strategic planning, marketing, and cost control measures.

4. Risk Mitigation: By hiring a professional management company with a proven track record, you can reduce the risk of financial losses and reputational damage that can result from mismanagement.

Common Terms in Hospitality Management Agreements

Here are some of the common terms and provisions that you may encounter in a hospitality management agreement:

1. Management Fees: The management company typically receives a percentage of the hotel`s gross revenue as a management fee. The fee may also be structured as a fixed fee or a combination of fixed and variable fees.

2. Performance Metrics: The HMA may set out specific performance metrics, such as occupancy rates or RevPAR, that the management company is obligated to meet in order to receive its management fee.

3. Term and Termination: The HMA will specify the term of the agreement and the conditions under which it can be terminated by either party. It may also include provisions for renewal and extension of the agreement.

4. Brand Standards: If the hotel is associated with a particular brand, the HMA will include provisions requiring the management company to comply with the brand`s standards for design, decor, amenities, and service.

5. Allocation of Responsibilities: The HMA will specify the responsibilities of each party, including those related to staffing, marketing, accounting, and maintenance.

Important Considerations

Before entering into a hospitality management agreement, consider the following factors:

1. Management Company Selection: Choosing the right management company is critical to the success of the agreement. Look for a company with a proven track record, relevant experience, and a good reputation.

2. Negotiation of Terms: The terms of the HMA are subject to negotiation, and it`s important to ensure that the agreement accurately reflects the interests of both parties.

3. Performance Monitoring: It`s important to monitor the management company`s performance regularly to ensure that it`s meeting its obligations under the HMA.

4. Risk Assessment: Any agreement carries risks, and it`s important to conduct an assessment of the potential risks associated with the HMA and take steps to mitigate them.


A hospitality management agreement can provide hotel owners with the benefits of professional management, cost savings, increased revenue, and risk mitigation. As with any agreement, it`s important to carefully consider the terms and provisions and to select the right management company for your needs. By doing so, you can maximize the value of your hotel property and ensure its long-term success.